In the Protestant church, we do not
think very much about Mary, the mother of Jesus. She figures much more prominently in Roman
Catholicism. If you have ever wandered
through a great Gothic cathedral – or even ventured into a smaller Catholic
church with a couple of alcoves, surely you have seen the statues, stone images
of Mary the Madonna, set behind flickering votive candles lit in her
When we were in Peru, we witnessed a
full stage village procession on one of Mary’s many feast days. Hundreds of people walked the parade route. Some of them beat drums, others wore
elaborate costumes, and still others set off firecrackers from the cliffs above
the road. The town priests and nuns were
there in force, surrounding on all sides a large, highly ornate image of the
BVM (Blessed Virgin Mary) which rode in a decorated basket-like thing held high
on four stakes above the parading populace.
Oh, do not get me wrong! Mary pops up in our Protestant churches too –
most often around Christmas. We picture
her in Bethlehem, looking radiant and spotless, as if she just stepped out of
the pages of Vogue – or Seventeen – staring into the
eyes of her newborn baby. In addition, if
we read the Gospel of John around Good Friday, we find her again, this time
kneeling – a bit disheveled - at the foot of the cross, once again beholding
her son.
However, the Gospel of Luke, our focus
Gospel for this coming church year, gives considerably more ink to this woman. In fact, unlike the author of Mark who begins
his Gospel with the baptism of Jesus, Matthew who embarks with a genealogy, or
John who starts off at creation with the Word, the Gospel writer of Luke begins
his narrative with Mary.
In fact, the men are strangely quiet at
the beginning of this gospel. Zechariah
the old priest and husband of Elizabeth has been struck mute, and Joseph –
though he could - does not say a word. We
get our first clue about this Gospel writer’s perspective on the ministry of
Jesus through Mary and her older cousin, Elizabeth.
The Gospel writer tells us that God chose
Mary to bear a son. It all begins with
that truth. Imagine that! What in the world was God thinking? Mary was not rich. She was not even married – though she was
dating. And she was only a
teenager. But in spite of those apparent
strikes against her, God chose her. Imagine that!
No – Mary really could not imagine
that. I mean, what was God
thinking? Presbyterian pastor Adam
Copeland puts it this way: “There surely were better ways, right? Come as an adult and skip over
those nasty cloth diapers and terrible twos — that sounds good. Or if God must
be born as one of us, at least choose a respectable family. Someone married,
with means; a family that has shown good parenting skills and is keeping up
with the Joneses. Couldn’t God have found someone a bit more qualified than
She did
said yes, of course – though undoubtedly with some level of shock because the
news was more like a death sentence in a world where adultery was punishable by
stoning. Perhaps she wondered how many
other virgins that angel had approached before he had come to her, and she had
On a less cosmic level, this pregnancy
thing threw a monkey wrench in all her best-laid plans. I mean, really, a young unmarried girl like
herself in this shameful state! Why – what
would the neighbors say? “Pick a little,
talk a little, pick a little, talk a little…”
It is not every day either that you had
to break this news to your family – and to your husband-to-be – and
yes, Joseph was taking his own sweet time figuring out first whether he even
believed her and second precisely what he was going to do.
No wonder Mary struck off on her own to
seek out her cousin, Elizabeth. She
needed support – and comfort. She needed
someone to give her a bit of perspective on it all – and a friend to assure her
that she was up to the task.
And so she walked – alone, no easy feat –many
miles up into the hill country of Judea.
And when she ended up on Elizabeth’s doorstep, she discovered two
First, Mary found out that Elizabeth was
also pregnant – and surely she felt some sense of relief in knowing that, yes,
miracles do happen. You see, her elderly
cousin had given up on the idea of bearing children years ago, but here she was
carrying a son who would grow up to be John the Baptizer.
And if Elizabeth ever wondered if it all
was real, the baby gave her firm kick – perhaps one of the first she had felt –
when she opened her door to find Mary standing on the stoop. Luke describes it as the baby “leaping for
The second thing that Mary discovered was
that everything was going to be OK. And
we know that because, even if Mary did not tell Elizabeth straight off the baby
news, pregnant women can spot one of their kind a mile off, and the first words
out of Elizabeth’s mouth was this affirmation:
“Blessed are you, Mary!” Of all
the women God could have chosen, God chose you – not a socialite, not a queen,
but you, one of the lowly. “Blessed are
you, Mary – and blessed is the child you will bear!”
And maybe it was just hearing those words
that caused something in Mary to break open – like a floodgate. But she did not cry like people usually do
when the floodgates open. Instead, Mary
It was as if the song was part and parcel
of her DNA, and she could hold it in no longer.
The song, the one that traditionally we have called the Magnificat, was
part of her. She and the words she sang
were one.
"My soul
magnifies the Lord.
My spirit has
rejoiced in God my Savior,
for he has looked at the humble state of his handmaid.
For behold, from
now on, all generations will call me blessed."
Imagine that – God seeking out a peasant
teenager and not only transforming her but also exalting her. It makes you wonder what God could do with us
if we were as courageous in saying “yes” as Mary was.
essence, when Mary sings, she is a prophet – like Micah or Isaiah – because the
words she sings are God’s words: God’s manifesto,
God’s charter, God’s fundamental document outlining what the world should
be. Mary’s song is God’s call to revolution
and transformation.
song tells us in no uncertain terms that God changes the order of
everything. The world is turned upside
down. Before Mary came along, we might
have been impressed with beauty, education, intellect, and affluence. But now, it is easy to see that the poor are
on top, and the rich are on the bottom.
At the very foundation of the Gospel of Luke is the premise that God’s
compassion is for the economically poor.
Therein lies true justice.
is the gist of the Magnificat – the glorious song that Mary cannot help but
sing out. However, do not get caught up
in the poetry and how it all flows so well together. Do not get caught up in simply the
music. This is revolutionary stuff!
“God has scattered the proud in the thoughts
of their hearts (she sings).
God has brought down the powerful from their
and lifted up the lowly;
God has filled the hungry with good things,
and sent the rich away empty.”
The song tells us in no uncertain terms
that God is reversing everything.
Winners become losers, and losers become winners. Our culture may say that the beautiful, the
rich, the successful, and the secure are the ones who are blessed because they
seem to have no worries. Our culture may
say that the one who dies with the most toys wins.
But Mary is telling us no. God has another plan in mind. And do not worry about Mary speaking in the
past tense – as if that somehow lets us all these millennia later off the hook
– because prophets always get their tenses mixed up. As Episcopal priest Barbara Brown Taylor
notes “part of their gift is being able to see the world
as God sees it--not divided into things that are already over and things that
have not happened yet, but as an eternally unfolding mystery that surprises
And if you do
not want to believe this revolutionary stuff because it comes from a woman with
a politically liberal bias, then remember that fellow named Jesus who came
around a couple of decades later and echoed his mother’s song, “Blessed are the
poor (he said), blessed are the hungry, blessed are the meek.”
let’s face it - these are tough words to swallow at Christmas time. I am not sure we really want to hear this
manifesto business as we make our way to Bethlehem. To be honest, I would much rather go with the
spotless Mary and the perfectly behaved stable animals.
would rather start with “silent night holy night” instead of with that verse
about bringing the powerful to their knees and sending the rich off hungry. Why didn’t the Gospel writer just begin with
the second chapter… “And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a
decree from Caesar Augustus…”
the gospel writer did not do that: First things first, as the saying goes. The Gospel writer understood that before
Christmas comes Advent. Before the birth
is Mary’s song of revolution.
so the question for us who make our way to Bethlehem to honor the child she
bears is this: Can we sing her
song? As we teeter on the brink of the fiscal
cliff, can we sing Mary’s song with the same courage and faith that she sang it
2000 plus years ago? Can we be the
revolutionaries that God calls us to be?
Jim Wallis, a noted Christian
evangelical and author of God’s Politics:
How the Right Gets is Wrong and the Left Doesn’t Get It wrote this about
our current circumstances a couple of days ago in his blog: “The discussion we are having about “the
fiscal cliff” is really a debate about our fiscal soul. What kind of
nation do we want to be? We do need a path to fiscal sustainability, but will
it include all of us — especially the most vulnerable? It’s a foundational
moral choice for the country…(Wallis says) I am strongly in favor of restoring
previously higher tax rates for the wealthiest 2
percent of Americans — and ending their unfair loopholes and deductions
— but that still won’t raise enough revenue to move us toward fiscal
sustainability while protecting the poor. We must make other choices in
spending cuts and new revenues— but in clearly morally responsible ways.
Will we choose to protect demonstrably
effective nutritional programs for low-income families instead of unjust
subsidies to agribusiness? Or defend things like Pell Grants to enable students
from low-income families to go to college for the first time over huge
subsidies to profitable oil companies? Or help refinance mortgages for
struggling single homeowners instead of retaining charitable tax deductions for
second and third vacation homes?
Will we finally have an honest
discussion about military spending and national security?...The faith community
must urge (decision makers) to beat those swords into plowshares….The biblical
prophets say that a nation’s “righteousness,” or integrity as we might say, is
determined by how they treat the poorest and most vulnerable; and Jesus said
how we respond to the least of these is indicative of how we respond to him.”
pastor, David Nelson writes, “In conceiving the child, Mary is a sign that God
is in this life with us, down to the smallest, most basic, experience….a
reminder that God's work gets done when otherwise ordinary people hear the
voice of God and decide to say "yes." Mary is a reminder that faith means
following dreams -- dreams that begin with God - with courage and expectation.”
And so the question for us who make our way to Bethlehem to honor the
child Mary bears is this: Can we sing
her song? Can we be the revolutionaries
that God calls us to be?
if we cannot, if we cannot embrace God’s manifesto, if we cannot sing Mary’s
song from the depths of our souls, then we might as well forego Christmas
because all the holiday will mean for us is more presents than we need and more
food than we should eat.
if Mary’s song leaves you with a touch of hope, if Mary’s song ignites an
imagination that has laid dormant for too long, if Mary’s song gives you a
vision of a transformed world, and if you in the eyes of God can claim Mary’s
song as your song, then come, come to the stable, come with the words of her song
on your lips and with a new mother’s joy in your hearts because you are about
to birth a new world, because you have made a commitment to follow the Child
wherever he may lead.
invite you now to stand in solidarity with Mary and sing her song (Holy Is Your Name).
by Rev.Nancy Foran, Raymond Village Community Church UCC